Ready to get started with your

colored messages

  • What Realm Shows Up

    The act of drawing a picture carries significant meaning. The energies that emerge should not be feared. Each energy guide serves a purpose in your life. A specific guide is selected for you and remains throughout your existence. The profound essence of mutual selection calls for recognition. They express their presence with COLORED MESSAGES.

  • Experience

    Many individuals require visual evidence to affirm their beliefs. Having a drawing created to capture the unseen serves as a testament that one is not alone, materializing the notion that spirits, angelic and beings of different realms are present and real.

    They are eager to be acknowledged! To see is to believe.

  • Splendid Connections

    Displaying the love that each angelic presence conveys! What motivates their messages to you? They aim to demonstrate their presence, attentively listening to your problems and guiding you towards solutions. There are many, but who is the one you summon?

  • Field of Colors Used

    To me, pencils are a beacon of connection, inviting aura, spirits, angels and soul energy. Observing the various colors is a significant sign. The animation of my drawing hand and the words I use is a connection with each color. The message is entirely conveyed through the pencil. Matching the chosen colors with timing, movement, and shapes becomes fascinating when the whole concept is unveiled.

First Private Session

Included In Your Captivating Session

~ 45 Minute with the artist

~ Observing the drawing and hearing Victoria as she moves through your captivating personal art encounter. The designs and chosen colors convey significance with Colored Messages from your guide

~ Talk about your drawing

~ Question and answer

~ 6x8 colored drawing

~ Mailing your art is FREE in the US

~ Recorded session sent by WeTransfer through email if desired

Automatic Spirits Art
One time

✓ Healing with Visual Benefits
✓ You are never alone, guides are helpers.
✓ Personal inspirational experience.
✓ Connection within colors, sight, sound
✓ Shared journey of liked minded person

Reoccurring Session

$55 Return client

Welcome Back! SAVE $10!

~ Everything remains the same as in the initial session.


Get In Touch



Book Me At Your Event

Are you interest having a group Spirit Reveal?

Let’s talk about location, dates, price, down payment and expectations!

Call today!


Within 1 1/2 hours of my studio

Studio Location Group

First Package $45/Each. 3 to 4 visitors Second Package $40/Each. 5 to 8 visitors

Packages consists of: Expect similar as first session

Excluding: sending recorded session to email and mailing art

Personal drawings Payment at arrival

Sherburn, MN

Coaching Sessions not yet established